QA/QC events

Every six month EstuaryWatchers attend Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) events.  QAQC is an important part of the program's data confidence plan that ensures EstuaryWatchers are collecting credible data.

There are three parts to the QAQC events

  1. Calibration- monitors work in teams to calibrate their equipment. 
  2. Mystery samples- monitors are presented with three mystery samples to monitor.  EstuaryWatch Coordinator results are compared to monitor results. Each team of monitors are given a percentage error score.
  3. Knowledge quiz-monitors complete an open book quiz on estuaries and EstuaryWatch monitoring methods.

QAQC events are also a chance for EstuaryWatchers to catch up and share stories from their estuary. This is usually done over a cup of tea and some yummy food.


Barwon QAQC Anglesea QAQC