Gellibrand River Estuary


236 results found (Displaying 111 - 120)
ID Date Status Details
#9330 13 Jan 2015 Approved Notes:
  • AHD @ G2 1.0 @ 16:15
  • Flood water draining -some still on south side of channel but none on north side
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.0 6.8 19.90 0.10 6.63 72.8 0.27
1.9m 9.0 19.70 0.10 6.40 70.1 0.27
#9335 16 Jan 2015 Approved Notes: AHD G6 1.10 @0815
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 10.0 6.0 17.60 0.10 6.49 68.0 0.25
1.5m 10.0 17.70 0.10 6.22 64.9 0.25
#9405 20 Feb 2015 Approved
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.0 6.3 18.80 0.10 5.92 63.7 0.26
1.2m 9.0 18.80 0.10 5.31 56.7 0.26
#9451 20 Mar 2015 Approved Notes:
  • AHD @ G6 1.30 @ 7.45
  • Strong SW wind sending large ripples upstream
  • Water starting to cover flats on south side of channel but no water visible on flats north of channel
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.0 6.3 15.40 0.10 6.19 62.2 0.26
1.9m 9.0 15.40 0.10 5.87 59.0 0.26
#9468 27 Mar 2015 Approved Notes:
    " G2 1.46 @ 10:10
  • Strong S.W. wind bringing waves upstream to G5
  • Water cover from G5 to Princetown south of channel , - No water directly around G5 north side but some starting to enter (north side )upstream G4. Also there is water just entering along drain onto pasture immediately upstream of 'Hills
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.0 6.6 14.70 0.10 7.45 72.6 0.26
2.1m 9.0 14.30 0.10 6.95 67.9 0.26
#9494 10 Apr 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Turbidity & pH not taken as pole would not reach water
  • River level low. All flats except a small very low area on south side & small area just upstream 'hills' are free from flood water
  • small amount rotting algae along bank & vegetation
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 14.10 0.10 8.19 79.4 0.26
1.1m 13.90 0.10 8.03 77.9 0.26
#9513 18 Apr 2015 Approved Notes: -Strong SW wind bringing waves upstream to G5
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.0 6.6 14.10 0.10 7.47 72.8 0.27
1.6m 9.0 14.10 0.10 7.11 68.5 0.27
#9655 30 May 2015 Approved Notes:
  • very strong N/W wind is bringing waves upstream.
  • hill between mill and drain along OOR is slipping onto road.
  • areas around G5 flooded into low areas.
  • many swans, ducks and other water birds.
  • 4-6 duck shooters shooting near G5.
  • south of G5 Cape Weed flowering also between 'hills' and Rowan's Gully.
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.0 6.6 10.40 0.10 9.06 81.4 0.27
1.9m 9.0 10.40 0.10 8.72 77.9 0.27
#9703 9 Jul 2015 Approved Notes: -AHD G6 1.10 @ 09:55
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.0 6.8 9.70 0.10 9.68 85.4 0.27
1.6m 9.0 9.70 0.10 9.40 82.6 0.27
#9741 18 Jul 2015 Approved Notes:
  • AHD G61.48 @ 08:20
  • Heavy rainfall during week
  • Water cover on all flats around G5 but only in lower areas closer upstream to G6
  • Air temp 8C. no wind
  • Excavations ongoing upstream G5
  • Numerous Swans
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 24.0 6.3 8.50 0.10 9.44 80.6 0.29
2.9m 24.0 8.50 0.10 9.26 79.0 0.29
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