Barham River Estuary


160 results found (Displaying 11 - 20)
ID Date Status Details
#15720 20 Aug 2023 Approved Notes:

Unable to measure water levels due to overgrown tress on riverbank.


We will be away for next watch but will do an assessment around 21 October when we are back

#15669 19 Jul 2023 Approved Notes:

Unable to access water level markers due to overgrown tree

Unable to complete Mode for physical condition - very variable over last 2 weeks from completely still and calm to some days of very strong winds

#15665 19 Jul 2023 Approved
#15591 19 Jun 2023 Approved Notes:

At Bmp2 the platform was under water. Mode for wind and sea state was not assessed as conditions have been highly variable over the last 2 weeks.

This was a training session.One wide angle 16:9 Bmp3 photo taken to replace two 4:3 images

Water level assessment reading river height gauges could not be completed because of over-growing vegetation.

#13610 13 Mar 2020 Approved Notes:

Rain last 48 hrs = 0 mm; Atmos. pressure = 1011 hPa.

Rained continuously during monitoring period!

Heavy wind and wave surges pushed water across the berm opposite the BmP2 observation site. These inflows temporarily raised the estuary water level by up to 2 cm.  

#13574 15 Feb 2020 Approved Notes:

Rain past 48 hrs = 1.4 mm; Atm. Press. = 1012 hPa

Mouth opening continues to shift south.

#13544 24 Jan 2020 Approved Notes:

Rain past 48 hrs = 14.6 mm; Atm. Press = 1009 hPa.

River mouth has moved Southwards. Although no tidal influence was observed, dark water stains on the estuary bank indicated that there was tidal intrusion during the 1.8 m high tide of the previous night.

#13469 22 Dec 2019 Approved Notes:

No rain past 48 hrs; Atm press = 1024 hPa.

#13413 18 Nov 2019 Approved Notes:

Rainfall past 48 hrs = 0.8 mm; Atm. Press = 1015 hPa

Tidal influence would have been greater at 04:18 hrs when the predicted tide height was 2.03 m. 

#13372 21 Oct 2019 Approved Notes:

Rainfall past 48 hrs = 0.8 mm; Atm. press. = 1030 hPa.

River level observed to be slowly dropping after recent rains. 

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