Gellibrand River Estuary


776 results found (Displaying 251 - 300)
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#10230 29 Mar 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Narrow shallow flow along channel, between rocks & out over high sand build up. Channel very shallow from start (close to tunnel)
  • Sheer 0.40m. side to channel close to rocks
  • Previous high area of beach front east of outflow has been greatly reduced by waves from rough seas
  • Waves have been high up to sand dunes on beach and around into estuary. Seaweed clumps all along beach and estuary extending along low track to near car park
  • Sea rough, sand visible in breakers out from mouth.
  • Strong longshore drift crossing over outflow & meeting SW swell resulting in waves in all directions in front of rocks
  • Dark swash line along beach intensifying at east end.
  • Low tide, possible to walk around to 2nd. beach(east) where large areas of cliff erosion & areas of deeply scoured sand have occurred. 2 Hooded Plovers in this area feeding along swash line
  • 16 Silver gulls, 6 Terns on Princetown beach also 2 Pelicans on sand bar in estuary
#10222 19 Mar 2016 Approved Notes:
  • large amount of sand filling in the entrance from rough seas and strong wind.
  • longshore drift travelling west across outflow being met by strong south west swell.
  • some waves entering channel.
  • pale discharge around mouth, practically obscured by waves.
  • large amount of sand in breakers out to sea.
  • beach sand cliff (small) at centre, rocks at east end exposed.
  • sand bar and low track well exposed.
  • some areas of exposed seagrass bleaching.
  • brown algae scum on sand area on low track.
  • iridescent algae left in water depression areas.
  • large number of cabbage butterflies on sea kale at start of the low track.
  • man small fish on the S/E section of estuary.
#10220 16 Mar 2016 Approved Notes:
  • discharge from the estuary was a pale colour.
  • water levels in estuary are extremely low.
  • large areas of seagrass are exposed.
  • increase in seagrass distribution along the side of the lower track and in front of the fishing platform.
  • about seven large dead fish in water from G2 to the mouth.
  • small pipi shells stranded on drying seagrass.
  • large no. of dead and dying small fish in depression with remaining water along the low track. Identified as gudgeons, tupong, galaxias and estuary perch.
#10217 14 Mar 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Steep sides of channel near mouth reduced in height (not ones near ocean)
  • Sea rough, waves s/w swell with rip east of mouth meeting strong out flow all of which is being crossed by longshore drift ¿waves in all directions with some entering & traveling up channel.
  • Sand bar well exposed with green algae on edges , especially on west side
  • Seagrass well exposed along east side has recovered from exposure to drying out & new growth evident.
  • Unfortunately many shrimp etc. and small fish have been stranded in this area.
  • Further south near an isolated patch of Phragmities there is an extremely large fish kill of small fish- mainly Estuary Perch, flat head etc.
  • Also at fishing area on river bank south of camp ground & around auto monitoring station many small shrimp are stranded.
#10214 13 Mar 2016 Approved Notes:
  • estuary mouth very wide.
  • large amount of foam and sand in the sea and along the beach.
  • some longshore drift across the mouth meeting south west swell.
  • some waves entering and going upstream.
  • many small fish stranded in pools now cut off from flow (estuary perch, flounder, flat head, mullet about 2-4cm)
  • thousands of small fish in water and larger schools of tommy rough.
#10211 12 Mar 2016 Approved Notes:
  • estuary artificially opened at 13:00
  • swash high up on beach.
  • river very dark.
  • more sand pushed into estuary around rocks.
  • foam and algae removed by waves over berm during past few days.
  • waves creating curved scoured area on the ocean side of the berm.
  • excavation channel started at east side of estuary and curved toward the west. The channel is wide and shallow.
  • flow after opening was steady. By 16:40 waves were travelling upstream.
  • extremely large number of fish in shallow water near the start of the excavation channel.
#10194 9 Mar 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred-no exchange but waves have been over at last hi tide into estuary and high up all along the beach
  • Berm lowest near the cliff
  • Sw swell very high out from 2nd beach
  • Waves out from mouth carrying very large amount of sand-waves over berm have pushed more sand into estuary around rocks
  • Many small fish in estuary near berm. 1 dead Mullet on edge slightly up stream
  • water up to car park on low track and increased about 8m. along top track
  • no water over OCR or west end of camp ground
  • Water only to edge of OOR near flood markers
#10205 6 Mar 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred, no waves over. Previous swash line high up on berm but not entering the estuary
  • Area of estuary where water meets the berm is still dark & starting to smell. Many small fish (2-5cm) in shallow water near this area
  • Bad smelling sheet like concentrated foam in swash line -more concentrated amounts near cliff
  • A rise in height of berm nearest sea has started to form, berm then dips down lower before the highest part closer to the estuary
  • 3 dead (long time dead)Trevally in shallow water at start of channel
  • Water cover slightly increased on top track
  • Water only along side of OOR at flood markers
#10189 2 Mar 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred but estuary closer to sea (observations made at low tide showing wider area closer to sea)
  • Waves have been over berm & reduced height at entry point (no waves over at this time)
  • Beach horseshoe shaped with waves high up especially at east end
  • Water in slighter deeper channel against rocks at start of estuary very dark brown with 'skeins' of algae on surface, some small fish swimming in that area
  • I dead Mullet in shallow water near berm(11cm.) -bleeding from gills & anus
  • Small tiger snake (very aggressive) close to waves on sand between swash lines, about 5-6 m. away from cliff/rocks
  • some fish in shallow water along low track
  • Water in small area on top track
  • No water over any roads apart from some along the side of OOR near flood markers
  • berm length 39.6 metres.
#10171 26 Feb 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred but intermittent waves over into estuary from very rough seas- but no return
  • waves traveling high up gradual steep rise along foreshore
  • Wide sand projection about mid beach
  • Very large amount of sand visible in breakers on submerged sandbar about 50m. out to sea from mouth
  • Amount of water over berm increases slightly with action of occasional longshore drift
  • Dead Mullet 14cm. at edge of shallow water near berm- some broken blood vessels around gills & anus
  • Hundreds of very small fish in shallow water along low track-
  • Top track only damp on one side & no water over any roads (slight amount at edge of road near flood markers on OOR)
  • Flats flooded from Princetown to around G4. Some water cover on south flats u/s G4
  • berm length 21 metres.
#10160 20 Feb 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred but some waves over into estuary at hi tide/rough sea
  • Slight longshore drift across mouth
  • Berm higher & more sand in estuary from rough seas during week
  • Large mullet & about 20 smaller paler fish swimming in the channel in shallow water near bar
  • 1st rock now completely covered by sand
  • Beach changed, steeper and straighter. Sand spit further reduced & moving further to west cliff face
  • Massive sand stir in breakers all along beach & out to sea
  • Large sand build up under water along last 1/4 of beach (eastern end )
  • Large no. small fish 3-6cm in shallow water along side low track
  • Small waves in estuary, only 1 small patch of algae in sheltered area
  • Low track near car park starting to get damp but no water over any roads or tracks
#10143 12 Feb 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Narrow berm , estuary has very slightly advanced toward sea
  • Estuary along channel narrow & shallow
  • Berm much lower near cliff, rising higher along the beach front
  • Beach slightly undulating, height of sand spit reduced (waves over) but sand can be seen under water extending out to sea & moving closer toward west cliff
  • Some part of rocks are above water at start of the estuary
  • Dense amounts of sand visible in breakers out from mouth & near exposed reef at east end of beach
  • Water over all of low track but nowhere else
  • Reduced number of small fish swimming in shallow water near low track
  • berm length 24 metres.
#10144 5 Feb 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred, not much change since 02/02/16
  • Some very slight salt water incursion over berm at lowest part at last hi tide
  • East end of beach very uneven, sand cliffs reduced
  • Normally exposed rocks at east end of beach have been uncovered
  • Crested Terns 38 at east end of beach
  • Hooded plover feeding along the swash line
  • Low visibility(intermittent fog) prevented photo recording at Gp1
#10132 2 Feb 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred but some waves over during last hi tide at lowest point
  • Berm narrow (26.3 m in length) but much higher further east
  • Sand spit dividing beach is much wider & moving toward mouth.
  • Longshore drift bring sand to spit from east
  • Large amount of sand in ocean all along the beach
  • Dead Mullet at start of estuary
  • Fish with parasites caught recently
  • Many small fish seen along waters edge
#10120 27 Jan 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred but small amount of water over at last hi tide (close to west cliff face)
  • Sand spit extending further out to sea, tending to spread toward entrance
  • Beach divided into two distinct bays - sand cliffs on beach in eastern area
  • Longshore drift bringing sand to spit from east end of beach
  • Sand is visible in breakers both close to shore & out to sea all along the each. Also visible travelling west past entrance
  • 22 Crested terns on sand spit
  • Many small fish swimming in shallow water along side of low track, several larger fish seen jumping in water just upstream G2
#10100 21 Jan 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred but infrequent waves over into channel, some slight salt return
  • Berm length 25m.
  • Projection into sea 40m. from cliff has almost gone
  • Swash line from last high tide indicates wide area over berm & up into channel nearly to estuary
  • Channel very shallow
  • Large amount of sand visible in breakers about 50 m. out to sea
  • Very large no. small fish in shallow water along side low track
  • Sandbar covered
#10094 16 Jan 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Weak outflow across hi sand build up. Pale discharge only around mouth
  • Increased sand build up at mouth & along channel
  • Low tide -flow cutting steep side to channel (20cm. high
  • Sand projection into ocean approx. 40m. from mouth has created 2 distinct horseshoe shapes along beach front
  • Sand stir visible in breakers
  • Last hi tide left swash line high up on beach & along channel
  • Reef at eastern end of beach uncovered
  • Pied cormorants 2 on sandbar which is well exposed
  • Very large no. small fish in shallow water along side of low track
#10056 10 Jan 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Waves across a wide area of entrance at hi tide travelling into estuary
  • Beach front high with gradual slope to ocean
  • Longshore drift across mouth
  • Entrance & channel has more sand, sand stir visible in breakers out to sea
  • Silver gulls continue to feed on Leucopogon berries
  • Much rotten veg along east side of estuary
#10054 6 Jan 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Slight pale discharge out to east -about 30m.
  • Mouth & channel very shallow
  • Waves entering strongly over outflow
  • Longshore drift across entrance
  • Beach front high & sloping
  • Over 50 Silver gulls along exposed seagrass area, also eating Leucopogon berries
  • 4 pelicans feeding in deeper water near sandbar
  • Phragmities extending further into water & along side of low track
  • Cold wind from SE
#10045 1 Jan 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Slight outflow over increasing sand build up between rocks & sea
  • Cold S wind after 39C. on 31.12.15
  • Longshore drift active across entrance/ outflow, waves in all directions at mouth,
  • Flow only between rocks & cliff
  • Many small fish (different shapes & sizes) in area S/E side of estuary (also some larger sized Bream/Estuary Perch 5 )
  • Many bright blue dragon flies amongst streamside vegetation
#10040 28 Dec 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Dark discharge out around mouth, to east along shoreline, South & west
  • _ High tide well up on beach -indicated by dark sediment along swash line
  • Flow in channel cut steep sides near mouth (1.5m )
  • Sand build up between sea & rocks, flow on both sides but main channel close to cliff
  • Sandbar in estuary well exposed -Silver gulls, ibis & 4 pelicans feeding along channel against cliff
  • Dead Albatross in swash line south side of estuary (one leg removed - possibly band taken) Wing span over 2.5m.
  • Drying algae 'blankets' over some stream side veg.
  • Shrimp have been caught in this
  • 1 dead eel
  • Seagrass growing profusely along east side of estuary has been uncovered by drop in water level
  • extreme variation in tide levels for past few days
#10034 27 Dec 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Strong dark outflow around mouth, to SW, S & east along foreshore
  • Flow has cut sheer side to channel at mouth (1-2m) which is collapsing into flow
  • Both rocks well exposed but main volume of water is on east side over cascade, sand build up immediately d/s rocks
  • Strong longshore drift across mouth crossing out flow & turning into channel & up into estuary
  • Waves in all directions at mouth
  • Waves have been high up on beach & over remaining part of berm (dark swash line)
  • Beach has gradual steep slope-highest near mouth
  • No water in campground. Dip in causeway G4 is clear of water
#10032 26 Dec 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Waves have been over unopened berm at last hi tide (indicated by swash line & debris)
  • Small rocks continue to fall from cliff
  • Top of one of the rocks still visible
  • Mouth artificially opened 10:05
  • 10:55 channel 2-3m wide , west edge .40m high
  • Waves entering opening, travelling upstream about 30m
  • 11:00 Increase in out flow but affected by longshore drift across mouth
  • Very strong south wind gusts
  • 38ml rain at G6 overnight
  • water only at side of OOR, no water on OCR, water in camp ground & more along top track
  • Gannet travelling west along shore line
#10031 24 Dec 2015 Approved Notes:
  • mouth barred
  • Length of berm reduced to 33.6m . Steep front to ocean
  • Beach curved -projection near mid beach reduced
  • Slight longshore drift across to cliff
  • Sand stir in water close to shore and extending out to sea about 50m (between beach & sand bar)
  • Water over in small patches on top track but no water over OCR or in camp. ground
  • Water to edge of OOR near flood markers
  • D.O. levels in salt wedge very low
  • 'Skeins' on surface of water.
#10020 16 Dec 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred no waves over
  • Beach very wide with steep slope. Horseshoe shaped with increased projection 1/3rd from entrance
  • Water to edge of top track in lowest area. No water over any roads or in camp. ground
  • berm length 51.9m
#9988 12 Dec 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred but waves over at hi tide (1.17) & rough sea
  • Waves over berm & have travelled west along beach to river. This area is very wet & soft
  • Sand on beach projecting out to sea about 1/3rd east of cliff where erosion continues
  • Water in estuary higher but no water over roads (to edge of road at flood markers OOR) Only low track has deep water
#9977 4 Dec 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred but waves have entered at hi tide/rough sea
  • Waves have been hi up on beach with some water travelling west to mouth behind shoreline into estuary & around mouth
  • Berm measurements taken at lowest point of entry, sand much higher further east
  • Water level higher in estuary -low track under water but no other tracks or roads have water cover
  • Flooding up to G4
#9963 27 Nov 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Mouth barred but intermittent waves from rough sea over reaching the river mouth (no berm measurement taken)
  • Sand build up almost covering rocks
  • Sand stir in breakers out to sea, also to west
  • Long shore drift across mouth
  • Waves going high up on beach. Beach wide with gradual slope to ocean
  • Cliff face near rocks is eroding from top (noted after 14/11/15)
#9960 25 Nov 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Entrance open -waves entering over a wide area from rough sea, slight return down very narrow/shallow channel
  • Waves going well up on beach all along foreshore including intermittently over highest part just east of entrance
  • Longshore drift across mouth over sand build up.
  • Most of one of the rocks buried under sand
  • Some of the remaining fish eggs have been carried around to side of channel
  • Water level higher in estuary, parts of low track flooded, this is increased by very strong N wind driving waves to the area
#9959 21 Nov 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Slight very pale discharge out over shallow entrance, channel very narrow but waves are entering over a much wider area.
  • Discharge travelling short distance east along foreshore but some also going out to south
  • Longshore drift across mouth
  • Ocean beach changing drastically-sand cliffs at east end have almost gone but high area just east of entrance now has steep front. The rest of the beach east of this area is now a series of wide rises & depressions
  • Last hi tide has been a long way up on the beach & over the high area
  • Thousands of small fish(?) eggs along the swash line also small lumps of jelly. Silver gulls feeding along the swash line
  • 3 Hooded Plover at far end of beach
  • Algae in the estuary & river around G2 is now clustered along the vegetation at the sides driven by strong wind & wave action
#9941 14 Nov 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Slow shallow outflow. Small waves entering over wide area. Strong longshore drift across mouth meeting rough SW swell
  • Large amount of sand visible in breakers out from mouth
  • Ocean beach almost straight from mouth to east end. Highest point still just east of mouth
  • Waves have been high up on beach & travelled back to mouth
  • Water level higher in estuary where large 'floats' of algae are occurring
  • Very large no of small fish in above area
  • Black winged Stilts 10,Black billed spoonbill 1,Pelican 1, White egret, Swans 2 +4 young, Shell duck 2, Coots 10, on northern wetland
#9938 7 Nov 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Slight pale coloured discharge only around mouth & part way along foreshore, strong longshore drift across mouth. Sand visible in breakers directly out from mouth
  • Increased sand build up in channel & entrance (low flow)
  • Last hi tide well up on beach & over high front at mid beach
  • Water level in estuary higher, some water over small areas on low track where there are many small fish(3-5cm.)
  • Large 'floats' of algae have been forced into lower narrow restricted areas also across shallow submerged sand bar & along south side of estuary where it has been partly buried by sand
  • East end of beach has more sand & sand cliffs increased in length
  • 1000's of millipedes on sand south side of estuary
  • Many battered dead moths in swash line along ocean beach(some had 'ladybirds' attached to abdomen under wings)
  • 7 Straw necked Ibis, 14 WN Herons, 20WH Herons, 3 Black winged Stilts. Also numerous Swans with young & ducks on wetlands
  • Whiskered Terns, Glossy Ibis also observed over past weeks
  • Rainfall to 08Nov. 16ml.
  • AHD G6 0.84 @ 09:19 (Higher total rain recorded up stream)
#9923 30 Oct 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Slight discharge (very pale) out around mouth & a short way along foreshore to east (mainly return from waves entering)
  • Small waves entering across sand build up, area very shallow. Channel also more narrow & shallow
  • Beach still horseshoe shaped at east end but small sheer sand cliffs are forming in that area
  • Sand highest closer to mouth but area undulating and at different levels
  • Water low in estuary -large no. green clumps of algae forming in shallow areas especially along east side where many small fish are swimming
  • 12 Swans feeding (on sea grass?) close to sandbar where 1 White egret & 3 Cormorants were resting
  • Wetlands have reduced water cover & also on north wetland a more yellowish algae is forming (7 sandpipers(?) in that area)
  • Some water remains in very low areas around & upstream G5 where many White necked & White faced Herons were feeding
  • Springs along OOR discharging very red sediment
#9921 23 Oct 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Pale discharge along shoreline
  • Sand visible in breakers around mouth & out to sea
  • Flow further reduced & entrance very shallow
  • Longshore drift across mouth
  • AHD - G6 0.74@ 10:10
#9895 16 Oct 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Reduced outflow only very slight exchange at mouth- mainly returning salt water from small waves entering
  • Strong longshore drift across mouth
  • large amount of sand visible in breakers
  • Beach horseshoe shaped at east end but highest just east of mouth then projecting out to sea on east side of channel
  • large amount of sand around rocks -flow only against cliff face
  • Channel very shallow & narrow
#9876 10 Oct 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Slight dark discharge out around mouth & some to east along shore line.
  • Reduced outflow affecting channel width & depth
  • Strong longshore drift across mouth
  • Small waves entering. Some occasional very high waves
  • Large amount of sand visible in breakers directly out from mouth
  • Beach horseshoe shaped with sand still highest near mouth
  • Low water level, small 1-2cm fish seen in channels & pools throughout waterside vegetation east side of estuary
  • Heliotrope moths & moths wings along swash line south side of estuary
#9868 2 Oct 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Only small area of slight discoloured discharge around mouth & along foreshore to east
  • Increased sand build up around mouth with only very shallow outflow. Sand on beach still high near mouth
  • Small waves entering into estuary
  • Strong longshore drift across mouth rolling more sand into outflow
  • Sand visible in large breakers out to sea
  • Many people fishing from ocean beach (holiday)
  • Low tide & sandbar & sides of estuary uncovered revealing dead silt covered sea grass where scum & algae are forming
  • Day of extreme tide heights
  • Some shrimp in swash line on ocean beach
#9856 28 Sep 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Dark discharge out along shoreline to east
  • Out flow reducing, actual entrance about 5m. wide up against cliff face, much wider & larger area of water around rocks
  • Small waves entering into estuary
  • Sand building up in front (downstream rocks)
  • Strong longshore drift rolling sand into channel mouth
  • Beach horseshoe shaped, widest beside mouth & highest just east of mouth
  • Low tide level -sandbar & sides of estuary well exposed revealing large areas of dead silt covered rotting sea grass
#9851 19 Sep 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Dark discharge out along foreshore to east & heading out to sea at east end of beach
  • Small waves entering into estuary
  • Dark silt along swash line near mouth
  • Strong longshore drift across mouth
  • Sand highest near mouth, east end of beach lower & more curved
  • Sand projecting out to sea east side of mouth
  • Sandbar & east & south sides have large areas of exposed sand - on the east side, sea grass has been exposed heavily covered with silt
#9833 10 Sep 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Strong flowing dark discharge out along foreshore to east, high turbidity throughout the estuary increasing at G2
  • Sheer sides to channel & entrance from recent release due to heavy rainfall, especially in the catchment
  • Small waves entering, strong longshore drift across mouth
#9830 1 Sep 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Flow reducing channel & entrance shallow. Sand building up in front & behind rocks
  • Small waves entering (green salt water up to rocks at 12:40) active longshore drift rolling sand into channel
  • Beach very wide east side of entrance -highest at mid beach with steep drop to ocean. Much lower & smooth at east end
  • Large areas of sand exposed in estuary because of low tide - exposing dead & rotting seagrass
  • Beach starting to undulate (North/South direction) -
  • A shallow /wide depression starting to form E/W mid beach, between high front & rising sand further back to dunes carrying water west to mouth
#9783 15 Aug 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Out flow reducing, dark discharge out & along foreshore to east
  • Strong longshore drift
  • Sand projecting out to sea beside mouth(east side)
  • Waves high up at east end of beach which is the lowest part
  • Dead Wallaby at waters edge on low track
  • Water level at AHD board G2 rising & falling
#9781 9 Aug 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Recent rainfall has increased out flow, dark dirty discharge out along foreshore to east.
  • Steep sheer side to channel & small waves entering up to rocks
  • Sand at entrance building up & projecting out to sea
  • Sand bar exposed (10 Cormorants /Black & Pied. 1 White egret,2 Shell duck)
  • Very small fish in scour holes remaining filled with water amongst streamside vegetation on low track, fine granular looking algae in these areas also
  • Iridescent scum/algae? in small area along low track
  • Small seal near mouth reported 06/08/09
#9769 31 Jul 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Dark discharge flowing strongly out from mouth & to east all along beach. Debris & dark silt in swash line -Large amount of sand seen in breakers
  • Recent release caused by heavy rainfall event increased flow
  • Mouth wide & channel sheer sided - being modified by incoming waves
  • Waves in all directions along beach with longshore drift across mouth
  • Waves high up to dunes at east end
#9747 26 Jul 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Near Gale force winds & high sea driving waves over sand build up, covering area across from the mouth to sand dunes -only salt return back down narrow channel
  • Very strong longshore drift across mouth. Waves in all directions around rocks & continuing strongly down channel into estuary, large areas of foam swirling
  • Waves up to base of dunes at east end of beach removing more vegetation, former sand projection into ocean (mid beach) has been completely removed & beach flattened out.
  • Near gale winds from S.E. at Gp1, S. slightly further east, & S.W. closer to east end of beach
  • Air temp 5-7C. & 5cm. hail in some areas (covering G.O.R near Lower Gellibrand)
  • Rainfall 44.5ml since 24th July.( G6 AHD 2.05)
#9745 18 Jul 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Flow out through wide mouth (heavy rainfall during the week) slight discharge around mouth & to east
  • Waves entering channel & estuary, flowing upstream at G2 with strong pulsing action causing fluctuation from AHD 0.92 to 0.86 within 60sec. Flow at Lt.1 also going upstream.
  • Very strong long shore drift across mouth with waves in all directions
  • High sand build up at mid beach is being eroded by long shore drift & ssw / sw swell
  • large no. cuttlefish in swash lines
#9701 9 Jul 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Dark discharge out around mouth with thin line along foreshore to east
  • Steep curved side to channel near rocks (.70m) indicating recent release
  • Strong longshore drift to mouth & reduced impact of swell at east end of beach. Now the front of the projection at mid beach has become steep fronted while the rest of the beach has gradual slope
  • Sand bar & low track well exposed
#9698 4 Jul 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Salt water entering, rough sea with strong longshore drift across mouth over increasing sand build up around rocks & in channel
  • East end of ocean beach- increased erosion of dunes, debris washing up over high sand build up mid beach & travelling west to mouth
  • Small particles of pumice in swash line near mouth
#9697 28 Jun 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Flow out through very narrow shallow channel against cliff over large sand build up
  • Previous sheer sides to channel have been smoothed out by waves from longshore drift travelling along beach, across mouth & entering channel over wide area
  • Beach very much higher just east of mouth with sand extending out to sea at mid beach
  • East end continues to scour out & is much lower
  • Waves in all directions along beach with much sand visible in breakers, especially at mid beach
#9686 20 Jun 2015 Approved Notes:
  • Flow was out at start of monitoring but salt water (green)had reached tunnel entrance & flow upstream at G2 was noted at 12:10
  • Water level very low at start, seagrass/sandbar exposed & steep side(1m.+) along channel to mouth
  • High sand build up around mouth, higher & projecting out to sea slightly further east
  • Beach very wide.
  • Waves in all directions along whole of beachfront, strong longshore drift across mouth.
  • Salt water entering & sending high wave 'clusters' up channel in front of salt/fresh divide
  • Large amount of sand visible in turbulent water around rocks
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